1 day Discourse on HANUMAN CHALISA by Dr. Sri Sri Ramachandra Guruji, For Details Call:

About Guruji

Sri Ramachandra Guruji

Rise up to the challenge of the deeper truths of life, in your journey to healing and self-discovery.”
- Sri. Ramachandra Guruji
Guruji is an internationally renowned Spiritual Master, Past Life Regression Therapist and Psycho Spiritual Hypnotherapist.
Anything divine is always simple. Guruji lives in such simplicity every moment of his life. His simplicity continues to radiate through his love, compassion for all those who come into contact with him. His search began early and providentially he came in contact with many spiritual Sadhus, Siddha Purush, Swamiji’s (Spiritual Masters). His brief sojourn in Himalayas made way further to his Spiritual explorations. Guruji’s simple message of love, practical wisdom and compassion continues to inspire people universally irrespective of caste, creed, cult, color or sex.
Guruji is the pioneer in Past Life Regression Therapy and is doing research from past 25 years about Body-Mind-Soul. He has invented and introduced various healing and relaxation techniques. He has personally conducted more than 25,000 regressions, and more than 700 workshops throughout the globe. Millions of people have benefitted through his workshops.
Guruji has appeared and addressed in many Television channels and Radio stations:
·         TV 9 Kannada -First time in the history of Indian Television a Past Life Documentary was aired which was watched by more than 4 crores of people all over the world.
·         Kasturi Channel - “Janmanthara” serial on “Past Life Regression” - more than 160 episodes was aired.
·         DD Chandana - a program on Personality development and the power of Subconscious Mind.
·         Samaya Channel – “Ee Loka – Aa Loka” a serial on the science of Past life regression, Hypnosis, Subconscious Mind and its amazing benefits.
·         Zee Kannada and Suvarna Kannada
·         Bhadravathi Akashvani, Dharwad Akashvani, Hassan Akashvani, Bangalore FM Rainbow
Apart from this Guruji has also addressed large gatherings in many places in India and outside India like Washington DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pennsylvania, Texas, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Nepal.

Recognizing his outstanding services, S.G.S. International Yoga Foundation, Bengaluru has honored Guruji with the prestigious “Karmayogi State Award” in the year 2010.

Guruji is the recipient of the “Seva Ratna” award from The National Council of Alternative Medicine, Bangalore for the year 2004 in recognition of his outstanding contribution in serving for the development of Yoga and Meditation.
In the year 2002, the Bank Officials Association, Karnataka, honored Guruji with the “Yoga Kala Ratna” Award for his service of spreading Yoga and Meditation in Rural areas.

Guruji is the Honorary Director for Yogasophy (YOGA INSTITUTION) CA, USA.
Guruji has been part of the Past Life Regression Therapy Professional Training Course, 2011 conducted by Dr. Brian Weiss, USA.
Keynote address by Guruji:
  •  5th AKKA conference held at Chicago, USA
  • 13th Conference of Karnataka Chapter of Anatomists – JJM Medical College, Davanagere
  • University of Bangalore – Department of Psychology
  • University of Berkely, USA
  • University of Singapore
  • Tamil Association of senior citizens – Sri Lanka
  • Jain Association – Nepal
  • Rotary and Lions Clubs
  • Corporate and IT Professionals